An Heirloom Faith That Rocks

Decisions can be difficult, especially when it comes to change. If you read my last blog, you know that my husband and I recently moved from our traditional style home to a smaller and more contemporary house. In the process we had to make lots of decisions about things we would keep and things we would give away, donate, or sell. One of those tough decisions was regarding a 150-year-old heirloom piece of furniture that was handed down from my Great-Grandmother. I was excited about changing our style of furniture and décor, but how was I going to make this precious piece fit? 

Looking throughout the new house, I spotted the perfect spot for it—a small niche of a space in our master bedroom. Not only was it the best choice for the rocking chair, it needed a lamp with table next to it. Bingo! That solved the dilemma of an antique lamp that I loved too. 

I’m so glad I was able to find a spot for the lamp and antique rocking chair in our new style house. Better yet, it quickly became just the right spot for doing my morning devotions. Now, as I gently rock back and forth in this treasured piece, its smooth motion and occasional creaking seems to awaken memories of the faith that was passed down from my Great-Grandmother, to my Grandmother, and my mother, then to me. It’s as if the spirit of their faith is somehow imbedded into the chair. So, I am grateful, not only for this piece of furniture, but for the heirloom faith they handed down to me. And I’m hopeful that it will one day grace the house of one of my children or grandchildren with the same reminiscent spirit.

In 2 Timothy 1:5, the apostle Paul writes: “When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.” Although we shouldn’t let material things become too important, sometimes they can lead us back to our roots of faith in surprising ways. Even ways that truly “rock!”

If you’d like to see more of this story as told in my latest Youtube video, take a look here or go to my YouTube channel @IrisCarignan-ATasteOfHoney

Faith That Rocks!