Exercising our Spiritual Muscles by Paying Attention
At some point, most everyone has made a new Year’s resolution to get healthier and exercise more. But have you ever made a new year’s resolution to exercise your spiritual muscles? Shortly after deciding to do a short series on Paying...
Paying Attention With Praise & Purpose
Why does it seem that everything bad happens to us all at once? That was a comment a friend recently made regarding some things she'd been through. I know it’s something we can all identify with. It may be one particular...
Can hardly bee-lieve it's been a year since my first contemporary fiction was released. And I'm SO GRATEFUL to God who gave me this story & for everyone's support. It's still getting rave reviews and many of you continue to...
Paying Attention
There’s an old joke that says, “My family was so poor we couldn’t afford to pay attention.” As funny, or not so funny, as you may find that, the truth about paying attention is that it does have a cost to it. Paying attention...
An Heirloom Faith That Rocks
Decisions can be difficult, especially when it comes to change. If you read my last blog, you know that my husband and I recently moved from our traditional style home to a smaller and more contemporary house. In the process...
Transitions-we all face them at sometime, and they can be a welcome change or a stressful adjustment whatever they are. My husband and I recently moved to a new house after 44 years in the same one and it was...
A Real Job
If you don’t count babysitting, the first “real” job I had happened this way: It was my senior year of high school and one of my art classes was centered around creating our school yearbook. At the end of the semester and...
Barnes & Noble Book Signing Opportunity!
I'll be signing my new book, "the Buzz @ Chicky-Pie's Cafe" on Saturday May 25 at 2PM at our local Barnes & Noble in the Westlake Village Promenade. I'd love to see you, so stop by and get your copy...