
Pace or Peace?

When it comes to troublesome worries, what’s your style? Are you the kind of person who tends to pace the floor when you’re worried about something? What if there was a way to find peace in your circumstances? I confess,...

Paying Attention

There’s an old joke that says, “My family was so poor we couldn’t afford to pay attention.” As funny, or not so funny, as you may find that, the truth about paying attention is that it does have a cost to it. Paying attention...


Transitions-we all face them at sometime, and they can be a welcome change or a stressful adjustment whatever they are. My husband and I recently moved to a new house after 44 years in the same one and it was...

A Real Job

If you don’t count babysitting, the first “real” job I had happened this way: It was my senior year of high school and one of my art classes was centered around creating our school yearbook. At the end of the semester and...


How important are relationships to you? For me, they’ve always been one of the most important things in life, beginning with my relationship with the Lord. Even God proclaimed from the beginning of the creation of man and woman that...

New Book Signing!

ATTENTION BOOK LOVERS! In case you missed me at the BookWorm bookstore in Camarillo on March 16th, You have another chance. I WASN'T THERE EITHER, BECAUSE I WAS VERY SICK THAT DAY. So, since I lived through it, the kind...