
Purposeful Journeys

Have you ever considered what special purpose God may have in a vacation you plan to take? Several years ago that idea was planted in my head as my husband and I were making plans for an epic road trip...

Finding The Humor In It

Summer is finally here— a time of vacationing and finding ways to relax and have fun. So, as you set your plans and expectations for those special times, thought I’d share a fun story about one of our family vacations....

Praying for Patience

There’s an old saying that always brings a smile to my face: “Never pray for patience or you just might get something to be patient about.” Well, I wouldn’t say that I’ve specifically been praying for patience, but for the past...

Peace Like a Dove

What do you think of when you see a dove? I think about peace. Just this morning while walking my little dog Caeser, I saw a dove sitting calmly on the hood of a neighbor’s car. Looking at Its' restful...

The Promise of Spring

Spring has always been my favorite season. Just a couple of weeks ago I was happily surprised to see beautiful flowers had grown from the forgotten bulbs I’d planted last year. With cheerful color, the flowers that bloom and sprout...

When the Fog Lifts

While staying at our favorite vacation spot, we rose early the first morning expecting to enjoy the usual spectacular view of the harbor. However, a shroud of thick fog had done a disappearing act over it all. The charming little...

Love-A Fruit

Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you looking forward to having a little chocolate this week, or are you going to be “good” and have some fresh fruit instead? Being a chocoholic, as some call it, the only way I want fruit...

Love and Valentines

February is the month of Valentine’s Day which brings thoughts and expressions of love to mind. What kind of relationships do you think about when you consider love? Do you think mostly about romantic love, or the love between a...