
Blog, News

Sweet Devotions For the Soul: Seeking Freedom- Part Two

Have you ever felt trapped? Maybe you feel stuck in an unhealthy relationship, or you long to move to a new home but can’t make it work financially. There are a lot of ways we can feel confined, whether emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

Hi friend! I’m excited to share that the second video in my new blog series, A Taste of Honey: Sweet Devotions for the Soul, is available to view! 

This video series is a companion to my novel, “The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café.” In the story, Elise is forced to live with people who abuse her…until one day, she takes a chance and escapes to a new city. In this video, we’ll take an honest look at how you can find freedom from fearful situations that hold you captive.

To follow along with the 5 daily devotions and read more of Elise’s exciting story, grab a copy of “A Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café” at Amazon or Barnes & Noble! And join me as we dive into Day 2 of our “A Taste of Honey” video blog series as we unravel the art of breaking free from what holds us captive. Ready to be Set Free? Click the start button arrow to watch the video!  

You might also want to tune into my new YouTube channel, “A Taste of Honey with Iris Carignan” where you will see readings from my book “The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Cafe”, interviews in the near future, adventures with a real Bee keeper, and cooking demos. So, as Chicky would say, “keep own comin’ by and see if you find some good food, food for the soul.”

I’ve also posted the first Devotional video “Seeking Freedom-Part One” below in case you missed it and for your reference too. Please let me know if you have any questions or insights you’d like me to address on this subject by entering your thoughts in the “comments” box below.
#1 Devotional “Seeking Freedom-Part One” 1509
Blog, News

A Taste Of Honey Devotional video: Seeking Freedom Part One

God’s Word is a help and, like sweet honey, a balm for our souls.

You’re invited to join Iris Carignan for her video series, A Taste of Honey: Sweet Devotions for the Soul. This 5-part video devotional series will be posted on the Iris Carignan blog beginning Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

A Taste of Honey video devotions are based on the 5-daily devotions found within Iris Carignan’s recent book release, The Buzz @ Chicky Pie’s Café. Drawing from themes within this heart-warming fiction novel, the Devotional Thoughts for Readers within the book address poignant topics including Seeking Freedom, Discernment & Dreams, and Gifts from God. 

Through the first and second video presentations, Iris gives a devotional study based on Jeremiah 29:11 that gives us encouragement for troubled times and hardships. Watch the video below, or go to my new YouTube channel, A Taste of Honey with Iris Carignan, by clicking HERE!

Image of Iris Carignan video on youtube. Iris is holding her book in the video.

5-Part Devotional Series with Iris Carignan Starting January 17

God’s Word is a help and like sweet honey, a balm for our souls.

You’re invited to join Iris Carignan for her video series, A Taste of Honey: Sweet Devotions for the Soul. This 5-part video devotional series will be posted on the Iris Carignan blog beginning Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

Introduction to A Taste of Honey with Iris Carignan

A Taste of Honey video devotions are based on the 5-daily devotions found within Iris Carignan’s recent book release, The Buzz @ Chicky Pie’s Café. Drawing from themes within this heart-warming fiction novel, the Devotional Thoughts for Readers within the book address poignant topics including Seeking Freedom, Discernment & Dreams, and Gifts from God.  

A Taste of Honey Video Devotion Schedule:

Jan 17, 2024 – Day One: Seeking Freedom: Part One

Jan 31, 2024 – Day Two: Seeking Freedom: Part Two

Feb 14, 2024 – Day Three: Discernment & Dreams: Part One

Feb 28, 2024 – Day Four: Discernment & Dreams: Part Two

Mar 13, 2024 – Day Five: Gifts

Complement the video devotions when you purchase a copy of the eBook or print edition of The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You can read a sample of the book here.

For additional video content, check out Iris Carignan’s NEW YouTube channel: A Taste of Honey with Iris Carignan here. Connect with Iris on Instagram and Facebook as well!


A Language we Should Learn

Is it just me, or does it seem that with all of the many and various ways we can communicate with one another today, much of the time we misunderstand, misread, misconstrue, misuse, or just plain miss what is truly being said? As it was said in the “Apollo 13” movie, “Houston we have a problem.”

And have you ever thought about the heavens as a language? Just a few days ago, I sat down and began reading in Psalm 19. In verses 1-4 it says: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.” In other words, the heavens and all of creation speaks evidence of a creator. The complexity, beauty, and wonder of it all expresses an awesome, powerful, and creative God through a language every human can understand if they just consider it.

In my own life I have found great inspiration and evidence of God through observing and enjoying His creation. My daily walks outdoors, often bring me wonderous delights through the sights and sounds of nature. They speak to my heart and mind in ways that no manmade structure, invention, or device ever could. 

However, some might say that after God created everything, He left us all to flail about in our own understanding. Never to guide, intervene, help, or interfere with our lives. That kind of religion is called Theism. But His language and words don’t just stop with His creation. And as I continued reading in Psalm 19, I saw that King David didn’t stop there either. In verses 7 -9 of Psalm 19, he goes on to say that God also speaks to us through His word. That His word, the Bible, contains great help to those who listen to its’ speech. And throughout my life, the Bible has continued to communicate most clearly to me with words that not only lift and inspire me but help with daily living.

Yet, our computers, news media, social media, and society’s values seem to be held as a higher authority than the creator of the universe. And when it comes to communication, our cell phones have become like body appendages. If we leave our phone in another room for a few short minutes, we panic when it rings. Then, after running down the hall, nearly tripping over the dog and breaking our neck to catch the call, we often find it was just a “scam” call. 

But wouldn’t it be great if a simple device like a cell phone was the answer to all that holds us captive? In my new fiction novel, “The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café,” a nightmare awakens 18-year-old Elise’s need to escape the terrible abusive household she’d been captive to since a little girl. When a new friend gives her a cell phone, she perceives it as a “key to freedom.” While the device does aid Elise towards physical liberation, during her journey she discovers hope, help, and true freedom comes through a more enduring truth.  

Now if you’ve read “The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café,” you’ll understand why I leapt with delight when I got to verse 10 of Psalm 19.  In it was another gem that spoke to my heart that morning. Verse 10 exclaims that God’s words are “to be desired more than gold, yea, more than much fine gold; sweeter also are they than honey and the honeycomb.” This verse stood out because “the Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café” has little tidbits about honey and bees throughout the story that brings a flavor of truth to it.

All through my life, God has continued to speak to me in many ways. Sometimes through His creation, sometimes through other people, rarely through His voice, and occasionally through vivid dreams. The story in my new book all began because of a nightmare I had. Through that dream, God spoke an inspiration to my mind that became a whole book. But mostly, God continues to speak to my mind and heart through His word. Hebrews 4:12 expresses that principal well: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

#thebuzz@chicky-piescafe #author #book #Bible #honey #bees #honeycomb #speech #language #WordofGod #heaven #speak #scripture #Psalms #dreams 

The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café by Iris Carignan

Upcoming Book Signing Opportunities

Iris will be hosting a book launch at the Stonehaus Café in Westlake Village, CA on Thursday
November 30, 2023
. Her new book, “the Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café” will be available for
purchase. Stop by between 12:30 & 2:30 for some cake, appetizers and her personal signature.
Address: 32039 Agoura Rd. Westlake Village, CA.

Journey bookstore at Calvary Community Church will host a book purchase and signing
opportunity for Iris for her new book, “The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café, It will be held before and
after Church services Saturday and Sunday, December 2 & 3, 2023. Address: 5495 Via Rocas
Westlake Village, CA

On Saturday December 9, 10AM to Noon, Iris will be at Marina Towers in Oceanside, CA to give
purchase and signing opportunities to the community there. The Address: 1200 Harbor Drive N.
Oceanside, CA.

Thursday May 9,2024 Iris will be speaking to the women at the Connection at Calvary
Community Church. She will also be making her book “the Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café”
Available for purchase and her signature after the event.

Barnes & Noble, at the Promenade in Thousand Oaks, will host Iris for book purchases and
signing Saturday May 25,2024 at 2PM. Address: 160 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, CA.

(Pending dates for other signing opportunities will be posted soon)


Grateful Hearts & Holiday Blessings

With Thanksgiving barely a speed bump in time before Christmas knocks at our door, don’t know about you, but I’m scrambling to get all my holiday chores finished in time. What else is new? Right? 

Yeah, like many of you, I often find myself running late with everything this time of year and when that happens, it’s easy to miss out on the truly important things—things like the importance of spending time with family, demonstrating love and appreciation to all who have blessed us over the past year, or helping someone in need. 

So, in light of the launching of my new book, “the Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Café” and the extra load of busyness it’s bringing, thought I’d save some time for family and re-share part of a blog post from last year. Remembering this holiday incident in the post is a timely catch for my own heart and I hope it is for you as well. But before I “replay” that memory, I want to express my overflowing gratefulness to all the friends and family who have contributed to the completion of my latest creative dream-publishing my first fiction novel. 

So, in the true spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to thank God for the many blessings He continues to pour on me including the inspiration and encouragement to write the story in the first place. Along its’ formidable journey, He continued to affirm His blessing and purposes for its publishing. Secondly, I want to thank my loving husband, Larry, for his patience and encouragement in the long process that frequently meant lonesome evenings while I polished up the manuscript, or worked on some marketing chore that took longer than expected. 

And coming into mind next is my friend Jessica Suggs, who came to me with a treasure trove of expertise and skills. She and her team at JSM books, including Amanda and Jessica Appel, worked joyfully and tirelessly for the past couple of years to help me in my book endeavors. And lest I forget, I am thankful for all of the many family members and friends who have encouraged me along the way too. I am thankful particularly for and to my daughter Ivy, who is an attorney and gave me precious time, insights, and legal knowledge for some important scenes in my book. As well as her husband Mike for his loving support. For my two sons Jason and Gavin and their beautiful wives, Lisa and Riki, who have all encouraged and celebrated the book’s completion— I am so grateful!

Not wanting to forget anyone’s contribution or support, I am so grateful for the dear author friends who gave me their valuable time and writing expertise to evaluate my book’s manuscript, then graciously gave me glowing endorsements. So, in alphabetical order, I say thank you, to: Author, Rich Bullock, Pastor & Author Sam Gallucci, Yvonne Noblitt, Pastor & Author Shawn Thornton, and Author, Margery Walshaw. You are all heroes to me.

So, here’s the heart of the blog from last year:

How many times have we all found ourselves in a fog as we rush down a road or highway and in an instant our distractions cause us to miss a sign or turn? Likewise, our own personal distractions, foggy spiritual focus and fears can take us off course or cause us to miss out on blessings waiting along the way. And though I try to stay fixed on the true meaning of Christmas, sometimes it’s hard to discern between all the voices that call to us. 

So, as a young homeless man called out a humble thank you to someone who’d given him a few dollars, his voice seemed to reach into my soul and reminded me of an encounter with another homeless person a few years back.

It happened when the piercing look of a homeless woman called to me as I drove out of a shopping center just days before Christmas. She was someone who’s need also caught my heart’s attention. But that experience brought a surprising and timely response from God that I’ll never forget. 

Her look of desperation had tugged at my heart causing me to pray and ask God what I should do. “Lord, If you want me to give that woman some money, just let me know. Give me a sign and I’ll turn around and go back,” I prayed.  The instant I finished that prayer, a song came over the airwaves of my car radio with stunning clarification. The song’s lyrics were: “She’s on the corner with a cardboard sign and it’s tugging at your heart.” 

God had answered my pleading question with a timely song that I’d never heard before and haven’t heard since that day. So, of course I’d turned around and went back to give her a hand up. God continued to confirm I was supposed to help her. As I handed her a few dollars and we chatted, I learned her name was Victoria and she had been sleeping under the freeway overpass along with her sister whom she’d only recently reconnected with. 

As I tried to help in other ways, I mentioned the shelters at many of the churches in the area including our own. Temperatures had dropped unusually low for So. Cal and had dipped into the 30’s the past few nights. I observed Victoria, noticing a cough she had as she mentioned a lung condition that kept her away from some of the local shelters. Then she told me that she and her sister liked to attend a small church nearby that I was familiar with. Turns out that was a church that my own had birthed, and I was very familiar with the pastor as a caring and helpful friend to the needy. Hearing that they were attending there, encouraged me to also give her a $20 bill, much more than I’d ever handed over to a stranger.

“Thank you so much!” she repeated. “Now we can get a room and won’t have to sleep out in the cold.” Victoria declared.

Seconds later a woman drove by slowly and handed a $5 bill out of her car window. I stood watching and praising God for revealing His will to me and for watching over Victoria and her sister. 

Maybe that’s why the recent plight of that young homeless man was weighing on me. There was a certain reminiscence about him that had me thinking about Victoria. It nudged me to be generous and reminded me to be grateful for the many blessings that God has poured into my life. Blessings that I want to share with others as God leads and gives opportunity.

It’s my hope that we will all be more aware of opportunities to bless someone else during this season of Thanksgiving and Christmas. It may be the simple act of giving a homeless person a few dollars, or it may be fully giving ourselves to a new friend who needs extra care, help, and hope. Much like the character, Elise in my story, who had suffers terrible abuse and needed help, hope, and a committed friendship from others to lift her out of the despair that clung to her.  

To all of you, my friends, readers, and subscribers, I thank you with my whole heart today and pray you will have a grateful Thanksgiving and joyous Christmas. 

#Thanksgiving #Holidays #Christmas #Helping #homeless #God #miraculous #giving #books #author #grateful

Book Launch Party for The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie's Cafe

Save the Date! Launch Party Celebrating The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Cafe on November 30, 2023

Join author Iris Carignan in celebrating the birth of her latest novel! The Launch Party for “The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Cafe” will take place Thursday, November 30, 2023, at The Stonehaus: Winery Bar in Westlake Village, CA from 12:30 – 2:30 PM. Stop by for a tasty treat and have Iris sign your copy of “The Buzz @ Chicky-Pie’s Cafe”! This is an open-house-style event, so feel free to come by anytime. We look forward to seeing you there!

Blog, Poetry


Have you ever sensed God’s spirit speaking to you or perhaps clearly heard His voice? As I suspect is true for most believers, those precious times are few and far between. But, for me, when they occur it’s akin to hearing music in the deep of a babbling brook or the quiet of a still morning breeze. Yet His voice comes with a persistent nudge that’s recognizable to my wanting soul. 

After a recent desert-dry couple of months, my spirit longed for, even thirsted, for the living water that only Jesus can give. It wasn’t that I was depressed or going through some terrible trial, yet the spiritual funk that plagued me may as well have been. Perhaps that’s why the silence of the morning spoke so loudly I couldn’t ignore it. 

My husband and I were on a much-needed vacation along the coast of Southern California in a home with a stunning view. It was our last day there when it happened—He spoke. As I sat gazing out the large picture window at the shimmering quiet waters of a harbor and gasping at the beauty of crashing waves on the distant shore, a stirring came. I sensed God’s spirit at the door of my mind’s ear. So, I leaned-in harder than a deaf man straining to hear life-giving news—listening intently to what God was saying. 

Slowly and surely, words began to filter through the fog of my own understanding. I quickly  recognized his voice from times past and knew the sensation that rang in my soul. Though lacking audible words, the Spirit urged— listen deeply. So, I sat listening for His still quiet voice. 

For me, one common way my Lord speaks to my spirit is through poetic rhyme. It might be a new song with music and lyrics or a simple poem He wants to write in my heart. Only and very rarely, have I ever heard His voice speak a message with an inner kind of audible voice. Most of the time, if I hear God speak to me it’s in poetic rhyming form. 

I’ve often had friends ask why I wrote a particular poem or song. They want to know what I was trying to convey through it or what method I used to write it. Do I think about some topic or read about something that inspires me? Do I sit down and determine to write a poem or song that expresses something I want to say? When those questions come, I mostly smile and say noit came through listening

In John 10: 4 & 27 (NIV), Jesus says, “…for they know His voice… My sheep listen to my voice.” About 25 years ago, while out among a flock of sheep, those verses came to life as never before. A shepherd had given me and a friend permission to walk among his flock during the time when many little lambs were nursing. Quietly moving among them, I heard a wide variety of sheep bleating to one another. It was like hearing a chorus of alto, soprano and tenor tones in sheep voices. Then as one of them began loudly bleating, I noticed a little lamb suddenly leap and bound towards the adult sheep at the top of a hill. The lamb was responding to its’ mother’s call to come for breakfast. That’s when it hit me that even sheep recognize and discern individual voices including other sheep and their shepherd’s voice. 

So, as Jesus said, we should also recognize the voice of our Good Shepherd.  

From that day on, I’ve made a point of listening closely to my Lord’s voice when I sense He is speaking. I’ve also learned that when He gives me a message, it’s not for my edification—He wants me to share it with others. So, it’s no wonder I tuned-in with spirit-sharpened ears when He spoke this poem into me and now want to share it.

Into My Sunset

Quiet is the call,

And noble is the fall,

That brings me to my knees before thee.

Crystal shimmers sway,

And come to me this way,

Reflecting love’s light,

your beauty there to move me.

Roar of the waves 

the sound of it saves,

my wandering heart and crashes.

Lifting to the Son,

back up again to run,

this race called life before me.

Sail-empty masts lift high

to the sky with a task

and beckon your wind to give purpose to them.

So, also my arms do raise,

Lifting high to you in praise. 

Empty of me 

and only to thee. 

Safe within your harbor 

my days sail by,

whether in water or wanting and dry.

Catching breath’s wind,

From your spirit within.

Grace-laid plans move me out from the shore,

confident now of your love evermore.

And when my time comes

to meet horizon’s One

who defines death from life,

my mast will be set with a pure white sail,

not formed by my strife,

but by cross and blood-stained nails. 

Then, into my sunset, I’ll sail to His bright Son,

and be anchored there forever to the Holy one. 

                                                Iris Carignan, September 2023

I hope this poem inspires you and puts the wind of His Spirit in the sail of your heart

#Poetry #God #Inspiration #Poem #sailboats #sunset #HolySpirit #shepherd #sheep

Blog, Poetry

Warning: No Warning

As summer ends and we roll back into fall activities, many of us are still relishing whatever vacation we were able to have. While my husband and I were blessed to spend some wonderful time along the sunny shores of Oceanside, an earlier planned vacation to Maui was postponed. My husband needed to heal from knee replacement surgery. “We’ll go a few months later,” we decided. 

By now I’m sure you know why that hasn’t happened. The recent and tragic firestorm that took at least 115 lives in Maui, still lays heavy on my heart. I can’t imagine the terror and panic those folks faced in the last moments of their lives or the insurmountable loss of homes and businesses to so many. It was reported that for reasons still not clear, the emergency warning alarm wasn’t sounded when the fire began. Some say it was because it would’ve driven people more inland rather than out to the ocean’s water since it is commonly used to signal the threat of a tsunami. Whatever the reason for not setting-off the alarm, it likely caused many people to perish that day.

As I was pondering the fact that the emergency warning signal wasn’t sounded, another kind of warning came to my heart—the very real threat of hell’s fire. As believers, we have God’s clear and certain warning in His word regarding heaven and hell. Yet we often shrink away from giving people the full message or warning about the peril they are in. We fear they might run the wrong direction—from faith rather than towards the living water of Jesus. 

When’s the last time you heard someone address the reality of Heaven and Hell that’s given in the Bible? When I was very young and still living in the South, it wasn’t unusual to hear a “Hell, fire, and brimstone” message from the pulpit once in a while. And though I don’t think yelling that message at folks, as some preachers do, achieves its’ godly goal, I do think the truth needs to be proclaimed. Especially in these precarious and evil times that we’re in today. 

I also know that whenever I feel God has given me a message, whether it’s a beautiful poem, a new book, or a warning of spiritual danger, He wants me to share it with others for their edification, spiritual growth, and/or their salvation. That’s why I’m offering one of my best poems to all of my New and Existing newsletter subscribers. The award winning and published poem is titled, “Footsteps of My Lord.” One portion of it says: “Sometimes I hear you on the path ahead, your footsteps leading upward bound, saying follow where I’ve led. Your footprints laid out before me, are written with your hand. Your scriptures impressed upon my heart, like feet upon wet sand. Are clear and true and lead me to eternal solid ground. Where beauty grows and true love shows life’s meaning can be found.”

The poem expresses how a life lived with Christ brings beauty and guidance to us and ultimately leads us to spend eternity with our Savior. If you would like to have this free printable poem that has been designed with one of my paintings framing it, you can register for it by going to:

Recently a relative, whom I love dearly, expressed that he felt he would go to heaven when he died, but he wasn’t sure. He said if he made it to heaven where his mother would likely be, that would be good. But if his father wasn’t in heaven too, he’d just go to “the other place” to see him as well. I tried desperately to warn against that faulty notion. In Luke 16: 19-17, (NIV) Jesus tells a parable that illustrates some of what hell and heaven will be like. He tells about “a great chasm fixed so that no one can cross over between heaven and hell. In Revelation 20:10-15 we read further: “And the devil…was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone…and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Then death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire…And anyone not found in the Book of Life was also cast into the lake of fire.” This tells us that some will not enter into heaven but will go into the fire of hell for eternity. 

Those are some harsh and hard words to accept, but eternity is a very long time. So, being informed about your choice is imperative. Nothing could be more important. And don’t miss the joyous solution—your name in the Book of Life. So how do we get our name into the “Book of Life?” Jesus also tell us in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” And John 3:3 (NKJ) says that “unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” He goes on in John 3:15-16 to explain that He’s talking about being spiritually born and that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”

And there’s MORE GOOD NEWS, when we also consider that in Ephesians 2:8-9 it says “For it is by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast.” It’s saying the way we are saved isn’t by doing some good deeds or earning our way there. It comes through our faith in what Jesus did for us. And because He is the Son of God, He’s the only one perfect enough to pay the price for our sinfulness, we don’t have to burn in hell. Being “born again”, spiritually, happens when we believe in our hearts that Jesus is the messiah, the Christ, and that He died and rose again from the grave. That, my friend, is how we get our name written in God’s Book of Life. And anyone in the world, no matter what race or religion you were born into as a baby, that free gift of eternal life in Heaven is available to you by His grace when you are born again spiritually.

If you aren’t sure where you will go when you die, It’s my prayer you will accept God’s free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus. And if you would like my poem to inspire your daily steps of faith, I hope you will register and get my free gift of “Footsteps of My Lord” to hang in your home or office.

#Bornagain #Faith #Grace #Poetry #hell #heaven #eternal #God #spiritual #Maui #fire

Be Still And Know

Ever look at a stranger and see a mirror of yourself in some way? Today, while running into a small market to pick up a couple items needed for dinner, it happened. She was a checker and hadn’t noticed me enter her check-out station. I watched as she proceeded to the nearby front entry to wash the smudges off its’ glass door. So while I patiently waited for her return, I could identify with her ambitious busyness. 

“Sorry,” she said, realizing I was waiting there. “I just have to keep busy.”

“No worries, I can identify.” I understood.

As a busy person myself, I often have a hard time standing still for long. Even while on vacation, there are many times when I find myself filling-in the void of every quiet moment with activity. Perhaps that’s why I’m drawn to calm waters and peaceful surroundings. Maybe it’s also the reason I often choose quiet water scenes as the subjects of my paintings— I need to be still. That kind of beauty draws me in and gives my soul comfort and serenity. But more than that, it is God’s call to my spirit to “be still and know that I am God,” as it says in Psalm 46:10.  

Now, as I gaze out the large windows of our vacation place, my eyes are drawn to the view of the harbor. The little boats sit with quiet submission to the calm water of the inlet as it brings colorful reflections below each one. Although they may bob and sway slightly, their anchors force them to mostly remain still. H-m-m-m! Guess I need to anchor myself to God more often and let Him hold me motionless too. To allow His light to become beautiful reflections of His hand in my life.  

Looking closer at Psalm 46 by examining the two verses before verse ten, I see that the psalmist was considering the wars and chaos of the world when he wrote this psalm. Yet he steps back and draws the curtain away from the turmoil of his day with revelation of God’s mighty power to bring peace. Then he challenges us to do the same, saying: “Come see the works of the Lord, the desolations he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire.”  

He completes it with, “Be still and know that I am God,” and reminds us that God will be exalted among the nations and in the earth. He reinforces our need to be still and anchored to God no matter what is going on, because God is with us and is “The Lord God Almighty.” 

So, as I vacation in this peaceful place, I am reminded that I need to be still so I can be refreshed and strengthened by God’s mighty hand. That, if I stop long enough to ponder who God is and rest in His promises, I will be unmoved by the distractions around me, no matter how horrific.

#calm #stillwaters #chaos #anchor #serenity #paintings #vacation #busyness #God #Mightyhand

#Peaceful #Bestill #reflections #Hislight