

Weather/Whether or Not

I did this painting about 25 years ago and it makes me shiver with chills every time I look at it.
But it also has a peacefulness about it that is calming to my spirit. Hopefully the gentleman 
who purchased it enjoys its’ serenity when he gazes at it. 

That makes me think of how winter can be a both chilling and peaceful. Just Think. All the 
wintery Christmas cards and pictures we like viewing also have a quiet serenity to them 
and going to the snow to play, ski, or just retreat can create a warm and exciting mood.
But, in reality snowy weather is very cold. 

Guess it’s a kind of dichotomy.

Living in Southern California, we seldom get snow or temperatures below 45 degrees, so
our idea of being in that kind of environment is mostly romantic. My husband grew up in

Maine, and when asked if he liked the cold snowy weather, he would likely respond as he

always does: “It’s a nice place to be from.” 

So, if it weren’t for cozy warm coats, snow-shoes, and hot chocolate, we might not like

being in the snow.

Too much of a good thing is hardly ever good. Although we’ve experienced a 

lot of warm comfortable weather for the past few years in So Cal, we’ve also had a 

terrible drought. Thankfully, our parched and thirsty land has been getting a lot of 

rain lately and it’s been a welcomed relief. However, as I write this, we are getting 

flash flood warnings and strong winds. 


While checking on the potted plants and furniture in our backyard, I was relieved

to see our large patio umbrellas were closed and tightly secured to the sturdy posts

of our patio cover so the wind wouldn’t blow them away.  

Much like the weather, going through stormy times in life can also be hard. Few, if

any of us, crave or welcome troubles. Like you, I’ve had such times too. If you read

my latest blog. “Shaky Paths” you’ll get a clue about one such trial I’ve been dealing

with. Mathew 5:45 says: God “makes the sun rise on the evil and the good and 

sends rain on the just and the unjust.” 

It sounds like another dichotomy doesn’t it? 

I’ve always tried to see the good that can come out of life’s storms. Maybe it’s because

my name, Iris, means rainbow. And one of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28, “for

we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God

and are called  according to his purposes.” To me, it says that trusting in God means

staying tethered to Him. And when we do, no matter what storms come our way, we can

have peace knowing that He is working out his purposes for us. 


So, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and snuggle-up to a warm cozy fire as you contemplate 

God’s secure and loving hand in your life. In the meantime, I pray the climate of your

spirit remains peaceful, the condition of your heart, warm, and all the rainy weather

is the kind that comes from the Holy Spirit with replenishment, refreshment, and

the filling of your thirsty soul.

#snowyweather #winter #rainyweather #inspirationalwriter #purpose #peacefulness #rainbow 

#drought #artist #purposeful #Holyspirit #rain #storms

Blog, Poetry

Shaky Paths

Are you currently walking on a shaky path? One that feels like the earth beneath your feet is parting like tectonic plates. As a Southern Californian, the word earthquake comes to mind. If you’ve ever had a time when an unexpected trial jolts your world and shifts all sense of balance in your life, then you know what I’m talking about. 

For some it may be a broken relationship or total family shake-up. Others might have an unexpected job loss or a serious illness. Whatever your trial may be, you’re likely doing all you can to find a solution or at least deal with it in a wise way. Yet the shifting sands of various issues that can continue to pour into the problem can make a resolution seem impossible or hopeless. Before you know it, the aftershocks and obstacles on your path become more problematic than the initial jolt that stopped you in your tracks. 

Where do you go now? What can or should you do? These are all valid questions, but when my husband and I were struck by a seismic size family issue, our first response was to look at who could help. So, prayer came first followed by a wise suggestion from my husband that we seek Christian counseling. 

During the days of waiting for our appointment, sadness, hurt, and despair knocked at my door frequently. Tears gushed with the pain.

“Lord, I need you. I am desperate for your peace and comfort. Why is this happening? Why am I being persecuted?  Even so, I thank you, I praise you in all of this.” I cried through another bucket of tears. His quiet voice reminded me: “Blessed are you when men shall revile and persecute you for my name’s sake.”

Peace came for a brief pause, but quickly fell away. Questions, thoughts, and negative memories about the parties involved in our family rift roamed my mind like a strong, destructive wind blowing through. Stirring up more emotions without settle. Without benefit. I prayed again. Fix your eyes on Jesus. His word whispered back again and continued. Whatever is noble, whatever is true, whatever is lovely…think upon these. “Yes, Lord, that’s what I need to do.”

Rising-up from a long sleepless night, I grabbed my Bible and read. Swoosh! The wind blew in again, but this time it came as a refreshing breeze blowing away the negative and bringing in constructive direction, encouragement, and hope. God spoke into my spirit and gave light to a path of reconciliation for each and every person involved in the troubling crevice that had formed, including myself. 

One more inspiration came to me in those moments of enlightenment. This time it was a poem that I’d written several years ago. The only one I’ve ever framed, it seemed to call to me from the wall where it hung. Refreshing my memory as I read its’ God inspired words, I was amazed at how well my own words spoke into my current heart’s need. How it also shed light on my path and gave me encouragement.

As we all step into this new year, It’s my prayer that God will shine His light on our paths so that no matter what rocky obstacles lie ahead, and no matter how much the ground beneath our feet might shake, we will be more sure footed in our walk.

My Poem: 


I heard you in the morning, Lord,

Stepping softly on the leaves

Nudging dew drops from the roses

With winter’s morning breeze.

And then you stepped so lightly

Into the morning light

Your warbler singing brightly

With sweet good-byes to the night

Your steps grew steady in the day

Their pace so strong and sure

And straight up as the noonday sun

Their path seemed so secure.

But as the night drew close

And rain began to fall,

You tap danced on my porch

For evening’s curtain call.

Sometimes I hear you stepping

On the path ahead

Your footsteps leading upward bound

Saying follow where I’ve led.

Your footprints laid out before me

Are written with your hand

Your scriptures impressed upon my heart

Like feet upon wet sand

Are clear and true and

Lead me to

Eternal solid ground

Where beauty grows and

True love shows

Life’s meaning can be found.

And though I stumble on way

My feet do falter and fall,

Because you walked down Calvary’s road,

I’ll step along eternal paths

When I hear your call


Distracted Focus & Missed Blessings

Don’t know about you, but I’m scrambling to get all my holiday chores finished in time. What else is new? Right? Yeah, like many of you, I often find myself running late with everything this time of year and when that happens, it’s easy to miss out on the truly important things. Things like our kids wanting some affection or helping someone in need.

How many times have we all found ourselves in a fog as we rush down a road or highway and in an instant our distractions cause us to miss a sign or turn? Likewise, our own personal distractions, foggy spiritual focus and fears can take us off course or cause us to miss out on blessings waiting along the way. And though I try to stay fixed on the true meaning of Christmas, sometimes it’s hard to discern between all the voices that call to us.

Yet there he was, a young homeless man, standing outside my favorite grocery store calling out a humble thank you to someone who’d given him a few dollars, and his voice seemed to reach into my own soul too.

Thoughts of a couple of heart tugging incidents flooded my mind with a convicting pull. There was that time three years ago when the piercing look of a homeless woman called to me as I drove out of a shopping center after finishing my last Christmas errand. Her look of desperation had tugged at my heart causing me to ask God if I should turn around and give her some money. Then, the instant I finished that prayer for a sign, a song came over the airwaves of my car radio with stunning clarifying lyrics—“She’s on the corner with a cardboard sign and it’s tugging at your heart.” The song answered. So, of course I’d turned around and went back to give her a hand up.

Maybe that’s why the plight of that certain young homeless man was weighing on me. There was a certain reminiscence about him that had me thinking of that incident and another one many years ago. A moment in time when my own distracted busyness caused me to miss out on a special blessing. I wrote about it in my book “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected.”

So, as promised, here’s another true miraculous story to ponder as we rush through our holiday goals.

It was just such a day about 30 years ago, when my own languid response to an opportunity resulted in a missed blessing and years of regret.

I was at a choir rehearsal that evening, and the director realized that we needed more copies of the music we were learning. Our pianist, the pastor’s wife, and I, volunteered to go down to the church office to get the needed copies. The sun was beginning to set and a light rain had begun to fall as we entered the office on the lower part of the campus that evening.

Finished with our business and having turned off the lights, we stepped out into the garden path. Startling our exit, several strangers suddenly approached us. All of them were dressed in biblical-looking attire. One of them stepped forward and introduced himself as a fellow believer and “traveler.”  He then asked if the church might have a room where they could rest for the night and be sheltered from the rain. I started to respond positively but was quickly cut short by my companion. “We don’t have the authority for that,” she responded. Of course, being the pastor’s wife, she did indeed have the authority, but was obviously cautious about allowing strangers into church property.

“It doesn’t take authority,” the young man said. “It just takes a heart!”

The strangers walked away briskly, and we stared at each other with pricked conviction.“Maybe we could let them sleep in the early childhood room where there’s a bathroom,” she quickly revised.

“Sure,” I said and immediately we turned back to give them the hospitable good news. It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds, yet they were nowhere to be seen. They had simply vanished. There was nothing nearby that could possibly hide the conspicuously dressed group and no crowds of people to blend in with as they departed, yet we could not see them anywhere.

Looking at each other in wonder and dismay, words failed, and expressions revealed our obvious regret and curiosity of the blessing we’d both missed that night. We had forgotten to entertain strangers and likely missed out on “entertaining angels.” 

Can you imagine the regret the innkeepers had after learning about the special birth of the Messiah that they missed that serendipitous night? It must have pierced their hearts with remorse at the thought of turning away the parents of the baby Jesus. No doubt some of them never connected the dots or made excuses for their unsympathetic refusal of a room. We can only surmise that many, like myself, may have realized their mistake and lived with long regrets for the blessing missed.

So, as I considered that story and those experiences, I found myself doing all I could to help the young homeless man without putting myself in danger. Knowing that all the local winter shelters were still closed in response to the Covid epidemic, I called our church hotline to ask if there was something they could do to help him get out of the cold rainy night. One very caring pastor called me back and offered some information and suggestions. I learned that much like that little town of Bethlehem 2000 years ago, our local motels were fully booked, because of a government order. But it wasn’t because of a censor being taken, our government was using hotels and motels across our nation to house thousands of immigrants who’d stormed through our borders in recent months. So, even though our church and others had funds set aside for helping the homeless get rooms, churches and innkeepers efforts were thwarted.

So, as another freezing cold night began and still no room for the young man, I felt guilty crawling into my warm cozy bed. I said a prayer for him and found myself pondering the scripture and comment I’d placed at the end of that story with heartfelt worry.

Hebrews 13:2 shines a light on the importance of attentiveness and brotherly love while on life’s highway.  “Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”

At this point, in the plight of the homeless man, I haven’t been able to get him into a shelter or motel room and one of the last times I spoke to him he mentioned waking up encrusted with ice all over his damp clothing. I did give him another, more generous, gift and encouraged him to get some food in a warm restaurant where they welcome paying customers and stay open long hours. He wasn’t at his usual post the last time I was there, so I’m praying he was able to find shelter from the storm. I pray that he has and hope I haven’t once again missed a blessing that was actually an angel in disguise.

What would you do in this situation? Tell me or share your Christmas story in comments here.

In the mean time, I pray all of you will have warm and wonderful holidays.

#holidays #Inspirations #miracles #Christmas #fresheyes #winter #homeless #miraculous #angels #prayer #songs


Free Gift News !

Giving—it’s one of the things I’ve loved most about Christmas. So this year I’m offering a gift to all of my friends. Many of you have generously purchased my book Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected this past year and have expressed to me that it brought you encouragement and a sense of community through my shared experiences.

As a thank you for your purchase whether it was last week, last June, or after you see this offer, I will send you a free signed copy of my children’s book “Moriah’s Wings”. If you haven’t yet obtained “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected” then you might want to consider gifting a copy to a friend or loved one. It’s a gift you can give that will provide encouragement and laughter for their hearts this holiday season!

**Giveaway Details**

For a limited time only, when you purchase a copy of my book, “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God In the Unexpected,” you’ll get a FREE copy of my children’s book, “Moriah’s Wings.”

Perfect for filling the stockings for your children or grandchildren, or a treat to read by the light of the tree! 🎁 🎄

👉 Fresh Eyes is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Westbow Press. 

*To receive your free copy of “Moriah’s Wings,” submit proof of purchase of “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected” along with your name and address to Iris Carignan through the contact page of this website. Proof of purchase must be received on or before December 15, 2022. Purchase date must be after June 1, 2022. While supplies last. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!



Little Miracles-Big Encouragement

Have you ever had a small miracle that encouraged your heart? I’ve had quite a few in my life. So many, if it weren’t for noting them in my journals and books, I’d probably forget most of them. Yet, when I pick up an old article or story, that I’d written years earlier, and read about one of them, it can lift my spirit in much the same way it did then. Just today I came across one of those. So, as we prepare for Christmas, I thought I’d share that little miracle with you. 


Perhaps it was the nudge of an angel that woke me that morning or maybe it was just my husband’s restlessness. Whatever the case, something woke me from my deep slumber with a frightful startle.

I thought I’d heard someone walking through the house. It wasn’t the sound of loud footsteps, but a soft shuffling—like feet across the carpet. Yet, despite the subtle noise, I awoke with heart thumping concern. My heavy eyelids resisted opening and my first thought was that we might have a prowler. Considering it was nearly Christmas and there were presents lying under our tree, I prayed a silent prayer for protection. 

Listening intently, I heard nothing, but needing to go to the bathroom I got up. Forcing my sleepy eyes open, and with some trepidation, I glanced down our long hallway as I cautiously made my way to our ensuite. On my return trip I decided to look out our bedroom window for any evidence of an intruder.  

To my amazement and awe the most beautiful star I’d ever seen was glistening brightly in the early morning sky. I blinked away any remaining sleepy glue and waited to be certain it wasn’t some sort of aircraft. It was clearly brighter and bigger than all the other stars in the sky but it wasn’t moving. So not an aircraft. Sirius, the morning star, was one I’d observed before, but this was much larger and more brilliant by far. Then, I remembered hearing a report on television a few days earlier about a special constellation in the sky that was going to be visible. They said something about it possibly being the same sight that brought those famous, wise astronomers, or Magi as the Bible tells, to Christ’s birth 2000 years ago. 

Surely, it was the reason I’d been wakened.

Excitement rose inside and I wanted to wake everyone in the house, so they could see it too. Glancing at the clock, I noted it was 4 a.m. and considered the consequences of waking four grumpy people at such an early hour. Motherly wisdom vetoed the idea. With joyful exuberance flooding my heart, I hoped my husband’s restlessness meant he was only half asleep.  

“Are you awake?” I whispered gently as I slipped back into bed.  

“No,” he said.  

“I just saw the most beautiful star ever!”  

“What were you doing outside at this hour?” He mumbled with a sleep-deprived edge to it.

“I wasn’t outside. I just looked out the bedroom window. It might be the same star the wisemen saw at Christ’s birth.”  

His reply came with surprising alertness. “Was it in the eastern part of the sky?”

“Yes! Yes! It was in the eastern sky,” I nearly squealed back. 

“I’ll see it when I get up later,” he said rolling over.

Saying a prayer of thanksgiving for the special Christmas gift God had given me that early morning I fell blissfully back to sleep.

Whether it was the brush of angels’ wings, the Holy Spirit, or something else that woke me on that morning 30 years ago, this experience continues to shine in my heart today. It is one more amazing sign of the Lord’s meticulous and stellar details related to the birth of the messiah. The magi, or wisemen, were excellent astronomers; and they knew about the prophesies as told hundreds of years earlier. They not only observed the sign but acted on it in great faith by traveling hundreds of miles to witness this miracle for themselves and to worship the newborn king it foretold. 

Laughing to myself, I thought: All I did was to travel to the bathroom and gaze out the bedroom window. 

Numbers 24:17 prophetically foretells the story hundreds of years before it happened. “I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.” In the gospel of Matthew, we see the fulfillment of this prophesy as well as other prophecies regarding the messiah. Matthew 2: 2 says: “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”  

As we look forward to the bright star of Christmas, I hope this story encouraged your heart and prepared you to celebrate the light of Jesus. May His light shine in your heart throughout the holiday season.

Need another amazing Christmas miracle story? My next blog post in December will tell of a night when I witnessed a whole group of travelers disappear before my eyes. It will be entitled “Distracted Focus/Missed Blessing.” 

My book, “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected” is chock full of similar inspiring true stories, including the story of the beautiful star. In it you’ll find encouragementcommunity through shared experiences, and a sweet dose of laughter for your soul. If you already own a copy—Thank you!

Consider gifting a copy to a friend or loved one—providing encouragement and laughter for their hearts this holiday season! For a limited time only, when you purchase a copy of my book, “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God In the Unexpected,” you’ll get a FREE copy of my children’s book, “Moriah’s Wings.” See below for details.

Perfect for filling the stockings for your children or grandchildren, or a treat to read by the light of the tree! 🎁 🎄

👉 Fresh Eyes is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Westbow Press. 

**Giveaway Details**

*To receive your free copy of “Moriah’s Wings,” submit proof of purchase of “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected” along with your name and address to Iris Carignan through the contact page of this website. Proof of purchase must be received on or before December 15, 2022. Purchase date must be after June 1, 2022. While supplies last. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.

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Well, it’s official, now that November is nearly here and the sun is quickly rising on the holidays. But are anxieties rising within you too? Maybe you’re remembering a few holidays from the past that were not so bright or cheerful and you’re wondering if things will turn sour again this year. Or maybe, as you glance at the smiling faces in a few family photos and postcards, you have a romantic picture in your mind about how wonderful they all were. 

No matter how wonderful a family may be in the snapshots of our hearts and minds, none of them are perfect. And no matter how hard you may try to make things joyful, the variety of different personalities and perspectives can sometimes bring a collision of tensions when everyone comes together. 

In my book Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected, I wrote about this very topic in a chapter entitled “Unexpected Holiday Perspectives.” I begin by telling a story related to the 4th of July and how we had the awesome thrill of seeing fireworks from the perspective of an airplane. That heavenly view had me considering: “We all like to celebrate and some of us look for the smallest reason to throw a party.” 

I wonder, though, how much of what we do for holiday celebrations like the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, etc., actually expresses, or produces appreciation and reverence for their true meaning?” Take, for instance, Thanksgiving. Shouldn’t our main focus be on giving thanks?

As that holiday chapter in my book continues into a particular Thanksgiving celebration, my own vision for what’s important gets a fresh adjustment. Recalling how I’d tried so hard to make everything perfect that year, you read about how all kinds of grinches had seemingly worked against that happening. It begins when a beautiful glass goblet is smashed to pieces as someone attempts to adjust the table size with another leaf. “It’s just a glass and more importantly your guests will be much more comfortable now that we’ve added the other table leaf.” My son tried to put things back into a good perspective that day. 

Of course, I knew he was right. But this minor foible seemed perfectly timed by the same grinch who had stalked us for more than a month. The shattering sound of the breaking glass might just as well have been a clanging bell signaling the end of round 6 and the start of another in this boxing match of disappointments and changes to our holiday celebration. I had surmised. You see that Thanksgiving wasn’t like all the others. That year my husband and I were also celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary. Yet as hard as we had tried, everything we’d planned had been changed several times.  

The story continues with disappointing detail after detail that occurred that year, including a planned anniversary vacation that got unexpectedly canceled. But as it wraps up, you’ll also read about the unexpected fruit and fresh perspective that happens as a result— the fruit that comes from gratefulness. It’s a lesson my Lord continues to drive home every time things go wrong, or trouble comes my way. 

Philippians 4:4-7 says: “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all…Do not be anxious for anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

So, regardless of your intentions this holiday season, as you make plans for the upcoming celebrations, I hope and pray that we can all approach things with fresh eyes and grateful hearts. And when we do, no matter how it may go, I’m certain that thankfulness will allow us to find joy and purposeful meaning in them. 

If you’d like to read the entire holiday story mentioned here as well as a poem and lots of other true stories of inspiration, go to “Books” on this website to order your copy of Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected at:  I’d love to hear what you are grateful for this year too, so leave a comment here if you’d like. 

#fresheyesbook #holidaycelebration #gratefulness #thanksgiving #unexpectedtrials #poetry #inspirational #holidayseason #holidayperspectives #inspirationalbooks

Blog, Poetry

Dressing For the Season

Having trouble deciding what to wear these days? As the season transitions from summer to fall, it’s a dilemma for me. Here in So Cal. temperatures are still in the 80’s with no rain in sight. My body tells me to wear summer clothes, but my spirit wants to move on. 

Okay, I know this is not a subject or decision of any great importance especially in the grand scheme of things. It pales woefully in comparison to just about any other matter one may face in a day. Yet I stand before my closet frozen in muddled indecisiveness, the back of my mind echoing with old fashion rules— “You shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day,” or “Wear fall colors and leaf the pastels behind.”  

Okay, so I made up the last saying, but you get the point.  

Finally making the sensible choice of wearing a light-weight blouse in an autumn color, I step into my day with confidence. At least mornings and evenings have pleasantly cooled, and the fabric will keep me comfortable if it gets hot, I tell myself. Then another fashion choice of far greater consequence begins to ring in my mind’s ear. One that a woman made way back at the beginning of time. 

I wrote about that choice in a story and a poem that you’ll find in my book “Fresh Eyes: Seeing God in the Unexpected.” The poem is appropriately entitled: “Dressing for The Season.” As you read it here, you’ll be reminded of a choice that a certain well-known couple made. How the effects of their choice became one of Biblical proportions to all of mankind. You’ll also see how it led to a fashion attempt at covering their mistake. The choice began when they were tempted to NOT follow one simple rule given to them.  

We all make choices every day. Some are insignificant and hardly worth mentioning, but whatever our choices entail, Colossians 3:5 explains how we should clothe ourselves with things like, “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Theses are the kind of clothes we should wear no matter what the weather or season.   

I hope you will see the humor in all of it too as you read my poem. I’d love to hear about your fall dilemmas and choices. Leave a comment about your struggles with transitioning into fall here and I’ll reply.


The trees are dressed in blossoms

            Do you see?

And some are dancing in the breeze, 

            Their outfits new and clean

The leaves of green don’t mean a thing if we 

            Would put them on

Some folks tried it once,

            But now they are long gone

They thought if they could cover-up the shame they felt inside

            In the beauty of the branches, 

Their sin could surely hide.

With summer gone and this of course the fall,

            The color of their wardrobe

Seemed glorious to all

But soon the dry and weathered leaves upon their flesh did itch,

            And they heard the footsteps of the Lord

And behind the trees they ditched

With each crunch and crackle, 

            As He stepped into the garden

They knew somehow the season had changed 

            And with winter things would harden 

But look, they said, upon that hill

            A new tree has grown!

It’s spring again

            And from its’ branch new life 

Can now be sown

#fallcolors #autumnleaves #choices #paintings #poetry #scripture #Bible #fashion #seasons #books #blogpost


Queen For A Day

When I was a very young girl, there was a popular tv show called “Queen for A Day.” While I don’t remember much about it, one thing stands out. Whoever won the honor of being queen for a day, though a short lived reign, she was showered with all kinds of wonderful gifts, accolades and treasures that made her feel extra special. 

So, why am I talking about this old tv show?

Well, this past week while much of the world has mourned the loss of Queen Elizabeth II—a true queen, the strangest thing happened to me. Little ole me.

At 96 the queen left a legacy that’s impressed and affected many people around the world, regardless of any affiliation they may or may not have to the UK. Yet, even though I’ve never been a big fan or follower of the royals, to my astonishment— I had a vivid dream about Queen Elizabeth II.

Coincidentally, as I considered the dream I also began to think about that long forgotten tv show- Queen for a Day

In my dream I was chatting with Queen Elizabeth. We hadn’t talked for long before she excused herself for, no doubt, more important things. In a fluster, I tried desperately to express myself to her about some issue I felt was important. Yet I couldn’t spit-it-out quickly enough. As she turned to walk away, I made one more attempt to say it. She stopped short, took my hand in hers and pressed a hard-edged, yet delicate object into the palm of my hand, quickly folding my fingers over it. Opening my hand, I beheld a beautiful, and glistening, gemmed brooch shaped like a butterfly. Stunned, I thanked her profusely and told her how my mother also loved butterflies and had collected many similar pins. Grateful beyond words, I let her go on her way. Sadly, as the dream continued, I misplaced and lost the brooch along with a few pieces of jewelry my mother had given me.

Waking from the dream with a feeling of great loss, thoughts of my mother who passed a little more than ten years ago, came to mind. Ironically my mother would have also been 96 if she were still living today.   

So, as I sat in contemplation of all of this, a few things occurred to me. 

  1. The dream was more about the loss of my mother, my queen, than about a heralded royal celebrity  
  2. Both my mother and the queen liked to wear hats and brooches.
  3. Both women stood by their faith and principals no matter what came their way. 
  4. The spiritual gems inherited from my mother, and the queen, are the most precious kind of jewels that can be left as a legacy.  

Much like the sample of quotes listed here from Queen Elizabeth II, my mother also believed:

“The life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace,… is an inspiration and an anchor in my life” ( Queen Elizabeth 2014) 

“Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it    can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love.” (2011)

“The gift I would most value next year is that reconciliation should be found  wherever it is needed. A reconciliation which would bring peace and security to families and neighbours at present suffering and torn apart. Remember that good spreads outwards and every little does help. Mighty things from small beginnings grow as indeed they grew from the small child of Bethlehem.” (1976)

“I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning. I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God!” (2002)

So, hail to all the queens (& kings) who reign in our hearts well beyond a day or two. Those who leave a legacy of faith, forgiveness, and many other gems that continue to sparkle on for years. Our hats are off to you

Tell me, here, about the queen, or king, that made a difference in your life. 

#royalty #royalfamily #queenelizabeth #jewels #butterflies #gems #faith #quotes #forgiveness #blog #legacy #hats #christianfaith #restore #jewelry


When the Cookie Crumbles

We all know the saying “that’s how the cookie crumbles” but do we know how we can stop it from crumbling? Or, in the case of actual cookies, how we can make dry cookies come back to life with soft freshly baked moisture? If you know me, you’d probably guess that one of my favorite cookie flavors is peanut butter. Problem is most peanut butter cookies get dry very quickly and that’s not good.

But it turns out, I have a really, good trick for putting moisture back into cookies, whether they’re home baked or store bought? And if you try my tip, you might say that’s how the cookie doesn’t crumble. At least not as easily. But before I tell you what the trick is, I want to talk a little bit about that whole metaphor thing that’s baked into the statement.

The actor Jim Carey made us all laugh in the movie, Bruce Almighty, as a television news reporter who always wrapped up his report with, “And that’s how the cookie crumbles.” But you don’t have to be a celebrity or even a smart cookie to understand this metaphor applies to just about any kind of life issue. You might be talking about an investment that didn’t pan out, a project that failed, or even a serious matter that you’re trying to make light of. Whatever the case, we use this flippant comment to ease our disappointments when something doesn’t work out as sweet as we’d hoped. As a way of easing the pain of disillusionment by laughing it off. But whether you laugh so hard you cry or weep with sobs of anguish, tears can help you contend with what went wrong. 

Studies have shown that crying can help you heal when you’re going through emotional trauma, because they release toxins that build up within you. The Bible often talks about tears and crying including the shortest verse: “Jesus wept.” We also read about a woman named Mary who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. I think my favorite verse about tears is Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” It’s one I often count on.

So, you may be asking, what’s that got to do with cookies? Well, that’s where my trick comes in. 

Here’s the trick#1 Put a slice of bread on top of a plate of cookies, #2 wrap the cookies with plastic wrap leaving the bread on top of the cookies and #3 give them 10 to 30 minutes. #4 Take off the bread (now very dry) and Waah-La! You’ll have soft moist cookies. (The time varies with different kinds of cookies). You may even see good results with as little as five minutes, or you may have to leave them overnight. Either way, you will realize that the process of osmosis took place by drawing all the moisture out of the bread and placing it into the cookies. 

Getting back to metaphors, Jesus often used bread in a metaphoric way. Not long after he miraculously multiplied two fish, five loaves of bread, and fed a crowd of 5,000, he said, “My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” (John 6:32b-33). Then he reiterated it later by saying, “I am the bread of life.” (John 6:48) 

Applying this profound analogy to something we commonly eat, one might say that Jesus is the only moisturizing bread that can truly bring life into our dry spirits. When we let Him come into our hearts by believing in Him and his sacrificial love for us, He pours His spirit into us with a supernatural osmosis. We are born again with fresh life and a sweetness that lasts forever. However, we are like fragile cookies living in a world of crushing disappointments and crumbling disasters. And sometimes our half-baked faith allows His living water to seep out or we fill ourselves with things that don’t fit His recipe for goodness. So, we need to keep coming to Him for a filling of His Holy Spirit every day. We need to lay Jesus, the Bread of life, on our cracked and dry souls.

And that’s how our spiritual cookie doesn’t crumble.

If your’e going through a tough time I hope you will let your tears flow and ask Jesus to fill you with His hope and strength. Let me know in the comments here, if I can pray for you in some way.

#cookielover #peanutbuttercookies #breadoflife #Jesus #spirituallife #fresheyes #recipe #cookietips #iriscarignanbooks #christianauthor #blog #christianinspiration

Blog, Poetry


Are you sad about not being able to water your yard and flowers as much as needed during our drought? As you know, California is currently experiencing another bad drought, but this time the restrictions seem too drastic, especially in our small town. My heart aches every time I look upon the beautiful roses, trees, and plants in our yard, realizing they may wither-up and die soon for lack of water. 

Last week I was talking to a cousin, who lives in Georgia, and bemoaning the water situation. She told me of a time a when they also had a water shortage because a lake they relied on as their source, was very low. Then she mentioned something they did to help during that period. But, before I get to her helpful tip, I’d like to dip my toe back into a story that’s about this very subject and is in my book, Fresh Eyes: Seeing; Seeing God in the Unexpected.

“Here in Southern California, we’ve had a terrible drought for the past few years, while most of the rest of the nation has been experiencing the worst winters in 100 years. Yesterday the soft patter of rain blessed our land with a short lived and partial quenching. The welcomed refreshment mostly wet our tongues and left us like unrequited lovers with a yearning for more. Oh, that we would also be as thirsty for our Lord.”  

“The psalmist speaks to this in Psalm 42 as he describes his own desire for God. “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Mathew 5:6 also reminds us that we should “hunger and thirst after righteousness.” It goes on later in chapter 5 verse 13 to say: “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?”   

How do these passages relate? Have you noticed that most times when you eat something salty, you almost always crave something to drink? I’ve noticed that pizza is a great thirst stimulator. It is likely because of the high sodium content. It can make me especially thirsty for hours after consuming a couple of slices. Perhaps the answer to how we can encourage our hearts towards a stronger thirst for our Lord is by staying salty

Now, as I re-read my own words from a few years back about drought and thirst, I am once more reminded of my own dry spirit. I am convicted of how little my heart desires time with the Lord. To sit with Him and soak-in the refreshment of His Spirit. To let Him wash over me early in the day. Oh, my heart cries, to be like a deer who pants for the water brooks of the Lord God. Should I not be at least like the poetry I write? Should I not let Him salt my heart with a deep thirst that comes from the taste of His goodness in His word? Shall I also wither-up and die for lack of living water?

THE TIP: So, as I talked to my dear cousin in Georgia, she reminded me that I can save water from baths and showers to pour over our garden. All I need to do is keep a five-gallon bucket in the bathroom and reclaim the water we bathe with. Wow! What a concept. And how fitting is that concept when it comes to spiritual water too? After all, Jesus tells us in John 737: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me,…out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” This tells me that when we do come to Him, he not only fills us with what we need for that moment, we come away overflowing with buckets of water for others to drink. For watering the dry ground of thirsty souls around us—and there seems to be a lot of those today.


The flowers lift their heads

With mouth and heart wide open

Receiving from the heavens 

His grace in rain that’s given.

With praises lifted in response

We see their leaves are raised

In thanks to Him who gave them life

And considered all their days.

Oh that we would praise as well

When thirsty hearts be quenched

Would ne’r forget to lift our hearts

Nor cease to be content.

                        Iris Carignan, 2014

I hope these thoughts, tips, and inspirations refresh your soul. Tell me, are you thirsty?

#inspirations #inspirational #writing #water #drought tips #helpful tips #booklovers #fresheyes #thirsty hearts #livingwater #salt of the earth #quenched #Jesuslover #art #poetry