Exercising our Spiritual Muscles by Paying Attention
At some point, most everyone has made a new Year’s resolution to get healthier and exercise more. But have you ever made a new year’s resolution to exercise your spiritual muscles?
Shortly after deciding to do a short series on Paying Attention, it occurred to me that learning and practicing the three P’s of Paying Attention would, no doubt, mean that most of us would have to commit to doing that as diligently as an athlete does. They’d need to commit to a regular habit of exercise in order to perform better.
So, like most all of my New Year’s resolutions, this blog topic nearly went by the wayside too as the horrific fires struck our neighboring communities. My pre-planned topic for January suddenly felt out of place and insensitive. Yet as I considered the core principles behind the theme of Paying Attention: by Being Present for others, Praising God in All things, and Finding God’s Purpose in our trials, I was convinced that this was exactly what all of us need to delve into at this time. That it could equip all of us better for coping with our own trials as well as ministering to those who are experiencing great suffering during this firestorm.
Several years back, my husband and I came very close to losing our house during the Woolsey fire. After evacuating to a safe home, watching the news, and seeing what appeared to be our house going up in flames, our hearts sank. It was one of the longest 24 hours of waiting and the most horrifying and sorrowful feeling I’ve ever experienced. Thankfully, our house did not burn as we thought it had. But, sadly, someone else’s did and by then I had a rough, yet brief taste of how it might feel. So, as my heart ached for that family then, so also does my heart go out to all of you who have suffered loss because of the recent fires.
Therefore comfort each other and edify one another… Thessalonians 5:11(NKJV)
And as we consider being present for others, if we are paying attention while at the grocery store, coffee shop, or even in our own neighborhoods, God might place someone in our path who needs ministering to. If you’re paying attention while shopping, you might notice a young mother who seems frazzled with extra stress and just needs a smile, or they may need to go ahead of you in line. Many individuals with special health issues may be struggling even more as they cope with long power outages. You might have a neighbor that needs you to pick up some ice or bring them a meal. So, pay attention, be present for others, and let God reveal those whom you can help by showing compassion to them. No matter where you are.
If you are personally experiencing a difficult trial at this time, whether it’s related to the fires or not, remember that God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in time of trouble. (Psalm 46:1) And while I certainly don’t suggest you thank and praise God for the troubles that others are experiencing, God’s word tells us in Philippians 4:4, that when we go through adversities we should “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again,: Rejoice… do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
God has demonstrated this principal to me of paying attention with Praise and/or thanksgiving for several years now. And I can tell you story after story of how doing that always brings joy to me in whatever the trial may be. Many times the joy that comes through rejoicing in my trials comes when He reveals His purpose in it, but each time He’s done that, it only happened AFTER I thanked and praised Him for the hard thing and Before I saw His purpose in it.
If you read my last blog or watched my last video on my YouTube Channel, “A Taste of Honey, with Iris Carignan”, you would’ve seen how that played out miraculously for me very recently. You’ll also see that at the moment when I thanked God for my trial, I wasn’t feeling great and in fact was in a lot of pain and had a serious concern about the terrible accident that had happened. Yet God gave me peace and a sense of purpose in the accident. So, as you learn to Rejoice, or praise & thank God in your trials, you will also likely experience the joy of seeing His purpose in it be revealed.
If you’ve ever made a resolution to get more physical exercise, then you might quickly realize that exercising your faith muscles, especially while in-the-midst of a terrible trial, is probably even more difficult than staying with a physical exercise program. But the spiritual rewards will be well worth the stretch (pun intended for effect).
So, as we all consider what we can do to minister to others during this fiery trial, we can begin by thanking God for whatever trial or suffering we are experiencing, then pay attention to what someone else in our presence might need. Pay attention to what we can do to help them.
Then, watch and see how God used our praises to reveal someone else’s need and bring joy to them. Notice how their joy will spill over into our own souls like overflowing water from the well that Jesus gives. And then, keep on exercising your spiritual muscles and you’ll gain new strength in your faith.
In case you want to but haven’t yet watched my recent YouTube video, “Handling Hidden Surprises” here’s the link: https://youtu.be/lxOiDD2gMEU?si=I3XmZR8Sjm4AVzbU
Iris, I love your blogs. They are like my “Jesus Calling” devotion each morning. Always perfect for the day. You have a God given talent that allows you to share God’s words in a way that touches each reader to praise God in the storms of life. We all have many storms, and the more I praise Him, the more peace I find in the storm. Have prayed constantly for you during the fires and for the trials of life.
HI Jimmie,
Thank you for your kind comment. It blesses my heart to know that the words I put to paper and online touch others, especially dear people in my life as you are. Thank you also for your prayers. They mean everything to me. So sorry
it took me this long to reply. Your wonderful comment got buried in the pile of emails I go through every day. May our Lord continue to bless and inspire you every day. Iris