
Heavenly Voices

As someone who has always loved music and occasionally belts out a ballad or two, the idea of singing praises to God for eternity hits a good note with me. Recently a discussion came about at a Bible study I...

His Immeasurable Love

They call states like Montana and Wyoming God’s country and fittingly so. After spending two weeks in Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, my husband and I were awe-struck with the beauty God displays there. His creation wraps itself around every...
six steps to painting a picture

But For The Joy…

Spring is nearly here and Easter is just around the corner. It is my favorite time of year. As color blooms its way through the rain softened ground and emerges with new life, we can’t help but sense the hope...

In His Time

Recently I was praying about my busy schedule and I asked God to help me sort it all out. It was all good stuff... things that honored Him. Most everything on my schedule involved Godly activities for His glory. One...

Purple to the Rescue

The virtuous woman as described in Proverbs 31 is commonly set forth as a standard for Christian women and has always been a favorite of mine. While I fall sorely behind meeting that standard in many ways-especially the part about...

Muddy Paths

Any artist who paints knows that there is one color you never want to put in your painting and that is mud. Now this isn’t a color you can buy in a tube or jar, it is really a non-color,...

A Surprising Perspective

As our plane approached LAX on the evening of our return from a vacation, a large number of passengers began making o-o-oh sounds. I glanced out my window and saw a most amazing and surprising sight - fireworks exploding everywhere...